The heart that gives , gathers . Her vanity of giving is selfless

The law of prosperity is generosity . KWW met one such selfless wonder woman Mrs . Shafreena . She and her spouse were working in private sectors year back and once they decided to come up with their own business and started a Biriyani stall outside their house . They offer one of the best quality biriyani at just Rs.20 irrespective of the economical background of the people . She makes a living by what she gets but she she is making lives by what she gives . No strings of expectations are attached to her generosity . She said that her husband is supportive in all her endeavors and she couldn’t have made it happen without him . In the recent past she came up with a new soulful thought and named it “Pasikiratha Eduthukonga” (Take it if you are hungry) . Anyone who approaches their biriyani stall can take a pack at free of cost if they are hungry . The heart that gives , gathers . Her vanity of giving is selfless . KWW appreciates her with all its heart and feels extremely honorable to honor her with Kovai WonderWoman Year Award 2021 .


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